Monday, December 14, 2020


 We live in a busy world where everyone want to finish all the work as fast as possible. Most of the time we have to travel different place to accomplish our work. With globalisation we not only have to travel in our country but sometimes we have to go to other countries as well. Till now the fastest mode of transport we use is aeroplane. But science and technology is endless, the more we explore, the more things we discover. The fastest mode of transport that we know is aeroplane but if every thing goes well we will have faster mode of transportation and this is the idea of HYPERLOOP. 

 Hyperloop is a proposed mode of ground transport which can travel at over 700 miles an hour. The idea was first given by Rober goddard but it was first publicly mentioned by Elon musk and the design is released by joint efforts of Tesla and SpaceX. Like trains run on tracks, hyperloop technology will use low pressure pods to run on. As the speed increases frictional force will also increase therefore concept of evacuated or partially evacuated tubes was proposed. Instead of tracks these will be magnetically levitating trains. Because of these features it can easily achieve hypersonic speed.

If the idea will be successful it will hardly take 30 minutes to travel from chennai to Bengaluru and one can reach Pune from Mumbai in just 20 minutes! A number of roots have been proposed for hyperloop system in the countries like USA, India, UK, Russia etc. Vrgin hyperloop came to India in 2017 and has been working with Maharashtra Government to build hyperloop pod between Mumbai and pune. 

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